All posts ESSIR 2011, Videolectures As I have already mentioned, the team was capturing the main summer school's track. You can access their material ESSIR 2011, Day 6 On the last day of the summer school, Peter Ingwersen was giving a double lecture of information seeking. He introduced ESSIR 2011, Day 5 Yesterday the first two lessons were held by Stefan Rueger from Knowledge media institute. He talked about multimedia search (images, ESSIR 2011, Day 4 On the fourth day of the ESSIR we had PhD symposiums or presentation of Livingknowledge project work. I have chosen ESSIR 2011, Day 3 Today Ricardo Baeza-Yates was the keynote speaker. He is very famous researcher in the field of Information Retrieval and leads ESSIR 2011, Day 2 Yesterday, on monday the first lectures have began. At 9a.m. we first got our ids. Then I "outsourced" the printing ESSIR 2011, Day 1 On the 28th of August 2011, Kaja Vidmar and I went to Koblenz to attent to the 8th European Summer S kolesom do Pule S kolegom Miho Longinom sva se 6.8.2011 odpravila s kolesom proti Puli. Plan je bil, da se najprej ustaviva z Ročna ura/telefon Že nekaj časa so mi bile zanimive ročne ure, ki imajo hkrati funkcijo telefona. Zato sem pred kratkim naročil Royal Sprejem pri ministru dr. Lukšiču V ponedeljek, 20.12.2010 nas je sprejel minister za visoko šolstvo: Ime tedna na Valu 202 Danes zjutraj sem se zbudil in izvedel, da sem nominiran za ime tedna na Valu 202. Nominirali so me uredniki EuroSkills 2010 Lisbon Last week I and others from my Office ICT team competed at EuroSkills 2010 in Lisbon. We have been preparing Dan FRI v okviru tedna Univerze v Ljubljani Tudi letos so najboljšim študentom FRI podelili knjižne nagrade za uspehe v šolskem letu 2009/2010. Prejel sem knjižno nagrado za EuroSkills 2010 preparations The winners of SloSkills 2010 are already training in building IT infrastructure for the european EuroSkills 2010 competition. Our task MobiFoto in Action Marinka Žitnik in jaz sva sodelovala in še sodelujeva na Nokiinem tekmovanju - Nokia App Forum. Tekmovanje se je uvodno Starting ... "Sometimes a research is a lot of hard work in looking for the easy way." Si.mobil-ov natečaj IZZIVAMO IDEJE! Slovenski ponudnik mobilne telefonije Si.mobil je razpisal sledeči natečaj in ker sem že pred časom razmišljal o neki uporabni storitvi, DSI 2010: 17. konferenca Dnevi slovenske informatike 2010 Od 14. do 16. aprila 2010 je v Hotelu Bernardin v Portorožu potekala Konferenca Dnevi slovenske informatike. Udeležil sem se Cisco Expo 2010 Letošnja Cisco Expo konferenca je potekala v portorožu, 11. in 12. marca 2010 v hotelu Slovenija. Zame je bila to Astonishing new Play! framework This week I heard of new web framework, based on Java - without Java. There was a presentation of it Zmaga na SloSkills 2010 tekmovanju Na kratko: Pod mentorstvom in s pomočjo mag. Andreje Vehovec smo Marinka Žitnik, Peter Virant, Miha Longino in moja malenkost How to: Use GWT with Eclipse on JBoss AS Here I will show you steps to easily write, build and deploy GWT applications with Eclipse. Step 1: Install Eclipse Sociogram v4.01 This year I have implemented a new program - Sociogram v4.01. As last year Slavc Zust and I cooperated in CrossManager 1.0 v praksi Kot lahko zasledite iz že objavljenih prispevkov, sem lani napisal program CrossManager 1.0 za celostno organizacijo tekmovanj na čas. Program Cycling a little bit Yesterday, Blaž Hudobivnik came across. We went for a short trip to Turjak and through some old villages and wood Duga Uvala - July 2009 At the beginining of July, excplicitly from 10. - 14., 5 friends were staying at Virant Peter's place in Duga ISRM VicRacing 2009 game At the university we had a task to do something with computer graphics. Matic Perovsek, Andrej Slapnik and I have Diving in Novi Vinodolski Last weekend I have been diving in Novi Vinodolski. This was the last part of course for OWD - open ImagineCup 2009 Slovenia finals @ NT Conference We - ByteWarriors team competed at Imagine Cup 2009 in Slovenia. The finals were held in hotel Bernardin in Portorž ImagineCup 2009 - Team ByteWarriors This year a group of us have gathered to try to compete at ImagineCup competition in Slovenia. Yesterday we had Druženje z "Avtentičnimi" prijatelji Lokacija: Ribenska planina, 21. - 22. 11. 2008 Angleška kraljica na obisku Danes, malo pred sedmo zvečer sem šel od tromostovja po Miklošičevi in naletel na gnečo in zaporo ceste pred hotelom Moj "internet", moj "boj" Najprej sem do interneta dostopal v 3. ali 4. razredu OŠ- to je bilo okoli leta 1996. Na 56K linijo Cross Manager 1.0 Projekt Cross Manager predstavlja celovito rešitev za vodenje tekmovanj, kjer je pomembna časovna razvrstitev udeležencev. Rešitev si je zamislil Slavc Mednarodni obrtni sejem - MOS 2008 Kot vsako leto se ob podobnem času v isith prostorih odvija sejem, kjer se predstavljajo različna podjetja s svojimi produkti. Moje "športne" aktivnosti Kakšno gibajočo se športno aktivnost bom zabeležil na: Spamming with comments Please do no write comments I cannot understand. 🙂 Uporabna zasebna "projektna" stran Na se nahaja uporaben portalcek za gostovanje osebnih projektov s podporo za svn,trac. Zadevščina se zdi precej uporabna A competition @ marg d.o.o., SI Me and Andrej Slapnik have attended The competition in creation mobile applications. I can say we were quite successful ... « Previous 1 2