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A simple custom solution to multi-language support using JS

Recently, I needed to add a multi-language support to a website that was run using PHP. Sure, I could use some i18n PHP framework to deliver translated web-page directly from a server, but I decided to design a simple approach based on Javascript.

Here it goes …

The default language is supposed to be slovene, so visiting a page by url http://mywebpage would show a slovene version. To get a webpage in a specific language, you need to explicitly define the language using a parameter, like so: http://mywebpage?lang={sl, hr, en}. Of course, this is used in a header of a web page for a languages selection menu:

[codesyntax lang=”html4strict”]

<a id="lang-sl" href="/?lang=sl">Slovenski</a>|
<a id="lang-hr" href="/?lang=hr">Hrvatski</a>|
<a id="lang-en" href="/?lang=en">English</a>


In the webpage, I introduced a “lang” HTML tag, which acts as a placeholder for a language-specific text:

[codesyntax lang=”html4strict”]

<lang id="home" />


For each language I create a separate JS file that includes a map variable, whose keys are ids used in HTML placeholders and values are translated texts. For example, a file “” includes slovene translations:

[codesyntax lang=”javascript”]

var lang = {
    home: "Domov",
    about: "O programu",
    functionalities: "Funkcionalnosti",


Now, as we have everything prepared, we are going to write a JS script that (A) automatically detects a selected language from query string, (B)  includes an appropriate translation file and (C) automatically populates prepared HTML placeholders. I do this as follows:

[codesyntax lang=”javascript”]

$(document).ready(function() {

	$.urlParam = function(name){
		var results = new RegExp('[\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)').exec(window.location.href);
		if (results==null){
		   return null;
		   return results[1] || 0;
	function loadJS(file) {
		var jsElm = document.createElement("script");
		jsElm.type = "application/javascript";
		jsElm.src = file;

	if ($.urlParam("lang") == "en") {
		$("#lang-en").css("font-weight", "bolder");
	} else if ($.urlParam("lang") == "hr") {
		$("#lang-hr").css("font-weight", "bolder");
	} else {
		$("#lang-sl").css("font-weight", "bolder");	
	function fillIn(key, value) {
		document.getElementById(key).innerHTML = value;	 	

	//Fill in translations	
	for(var key in lang) {
	  fillIn(key, lang[key]);


Additionally to that basic example I added some exceptions to insert language-specific values into some HTML tag attributes.

Such approach works like a charm for about 200 language keys – I have not tested for more. The whole site is served by an RPi and JS loading of language-specific texts is not noticeable on a client.

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