Today Ricardo Baeza-Yates was the keynote speaker. He is very famous researcher in the field of Information Retrieval and leads the Yahoo! Research Labs. The keynote was mostly about webscale algorithms and some interesting IR insights. One of them is the notion of adversarial level of access for the internet…
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Yesterday, on monday the first lectures have began. At 9a.m. we first got our ids. Then I “outsourced” the printing of my poster to organization team at info-point ;). After some coffee, the keynote of Nigel Shadbolt started. Nigel is a professor of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the University of Southampton.…
Leave a CommentOn the 28th of August 2011, Kaja Vidmar and I went to Koblenz to attent to the 8th European Summer School of Information Retrieval – ESSIR 2011. First we flew from Brnik to Frankfurt at 8 a.m. in the morning. In Frankfurt we bought tickets for regional train to Koblenz…
Leave a CommentTudi letos so najboljšim študentom FRI podelili knjižne nagrade za uspehe v šolskem letu 2009/2010. Prejel sem knjižno nagrado za najboljšo povprečno oceno v 4. letniku študija IŠRM in tudi za sodelovanje pri organizaciji srednješolskega ACM tekmovanja v znanju računalništva.
Leave a Comment“Sometimes a research is a lot of hard work in looking for the easy way.”
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