Posnetek podelitve v okviru Dneva FRI, 5.12.2012: (Chrome 6, Safari :), isti posnetek je tudi dostopen na: http://zitnik.si/temp/DanFRI_MarinkaZitnik_05_12_2012.mp4)
1 CommentCategory: Research
Danes je Marinka Žitnik zagovorila svojo diplomsko nalogo z naslovom “Pristop matrične faktorizacije za gradnjo napovednih modelov iz heterogenih podatkovnih virov” (A Matrix Factorization Approach for Inference of Prediction Models from Heterogeneous Data Sources), zaradi česar ji iskreno čestitam!!! Še posebej velja poudariti, da je na dodiplomskem Interdisciplinarnem študiju računalništva…
1 CommentToday I presented a HOT topic about Ontologies and NoSQL as a Tech Talk at Optilab d.o.o.. At this company I work as a Junior Researcher and Tech Talks are our internal lectures to other co-workers. Typical lessons normally consist of something that one of us works on or he…
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Leave a CommentIn the following days the main conference took place. It began on wednesday with Prof. Michele Missikof’s talk “Looking at Future Research Challenges in Enterprise Information Systems“. He presented his work in the European Commission and pointed out two notions: Liquid Enterprise: The company everyone works for (e.g. developing applications…
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