In the following days the main conference took place.
It began on wednesday with Prof. Michele Missikof’s talk “Looking at Future Research Challenges in Enterprise Information Systems“. He presented his work in the European Commission and pointed out two notions:
- Liquid Enterprise: The company everyone works for (e.g. developing applications for company’s market).
- Glocal: “Think Global, Act Local”.
Second keynote speech was given by Dr. Krzysztof Kurowski on Thursday – “Challenges for Future Platforms, Services and Networked Applications“. He is Polish researcher and gave us a wonderful talk from past to future. His main research is Networking and therefore he presented the development of optical connectivity throughout the Poland. His main conclusion was that network is nothing without users / applications aka. Information Systems.
Some interesting lectures I remembered:
- H. Leopold: Generating Natural Language Texts from Business Process Models: They implemented system that generated textual description of selected process model. At first they identify verb in an activity description and then use some predefined schema to build a sentence. According to activity level and concurrency the text is also accordingly indented.
- E. Daskalaki: OtO Matching System: A multi-strategy approach to Instance Matching: The author presented an ontology oriented matching system that leverages the usage of known matching algorithms and multiple metrics. The presented system looks similar to ours Data Matching and Merging platform.
- M.A. Kabir: SCIMS: A Social Context Information Management System fo Socially-Aware Applications: The author presented a system that is gathering data from multiple sources (e.g. LinkedIn, Facebook). They annotated the source data using an underlying ontology. To show usefulness of the proposed system they implemented an Android application that helps user whether it is a good time to call a party or not.
On thursday there was also a poster session. I remember a guy that was presenting an app for connection text and accompanying process model. The next interesting poster was about building and validation business process models by simulating the process in a 3D model – like SecondLife.
Throughout the conference I have seen no methods to generate BPMs from texts and that may be my topic for next year.
The conference ended on Friday at about 2 p.m. with some facts and announcement of CAiSE 2013 which will take place in Valencia, Spain. Submission deadlines are already published, so it is time to write. My mentor prof. dr. Marko Bajec was also this year’s Workshop chair:
After closing session we collected our luggage and came to Slovenia at 9:30 p.m..
Some pictures: